
  • Suicides make up 81% of all firearm deaths in Oregon.
  • More than half of all suicides in Oregon are by firearm.
  • In 2019, there were 466 firearm suicide deaths in Oregon, including 19 children and teens (ages 0-19).
  • Oregon had the 18th highest firearm suicide rate in the country in 2019.


Firearm Deaths in Oregon

Number of deaths


The “other” category is defined as any firearm death that is not defined by the CDC as a homicide or a suicide. This could include unintentional, undetermined, and legal intervention. To obtain the number of deaths in the “other” category, the total number of firearm suicide deaths and firearm homicide deaths were subtracted from the overall firearm deaths in a given year.

Firearm Suicide Rates in Oregon and the United States

Age-adjusted rate per 100,000

United States

Firearm Suicide Rates by County

Age-Adjusted Firearm Suicide Rate per 100,000

  • 5.88 to 11.58
  • 11.59 to 17.29
  • 17.30 to 23.00
  • 23.01 to 28.68
  • Suppressed /

The CDC suppresses data in which fewer than 10 deaths are reported in a given time frame and considers firearm suicide rates based on fewer than 20 deaths “statistically unreliable.” Counties that meet this criteria are labeled “Suppressed/Unreliable.”



The majority of suicide decedents are males. In Oregon, White males and American Indian/Alaska Native males, in particular, are disproportionately impacted by firearm suicide.

Firearm Suicide Deaths in Oregon by Sex


Firearm Suicide Rates in Oregon by Sex, Race, and Ethnicity

Age-adjusted rate per 100,000


The CDC considers firearm suicide rates based on fewer than 20 deaths “statistically unreliable” and suppresses firearm suicide rates based on fewer than 10 deaths. Fewer than 20 firearm suicides were reported during this time period for the following races and Hispanic Origin category and therefore are omitted from the above chart: American Indian/ Alaska Native females, Asian/ Pacific Islander females, Black females, and Hispanic/Latina females.


  • The most recently available CDC data is 2019; as such, 2019 data is used where appropriate.
  • Unless otherwise specified, statistics reflect 5-year averages (2015-2019).
  • All rates listed are age-adjusted in order to allow for accurate comparisons between populations with differing age distributions.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Suicide Deaths and Rates per 100,000. WONDER Online Database, 1999-2019. Available: http://wonder.cdc.gov/ucd-icd10.html.


This page was last updated March 2021.